50 Things to Throw Away to Stop Hoarding Today
Do you have things to throw away? Do you need to to get rid in your home? One of the things I absolutely hate in our home is clutter and hoarding things we don’t need. But I think we’re all a bit guilty of hoarding stuff to one degree or another.
Hoarding happens when clutter gets way out of control to the point where our space is overtaken by too many things. I personally find that clutter stresses me out and I’m unnecessary things to throw away.
But like many of us, I’m not just living with my stuff, but someone else’s stuff too. What’s junk to me may be treasure to someone else.
However, if the clutter of stuff has gotten way out of control, here are some tips to declutter your home and stop hoarding today.
How to declutter your home stop hoarding
If you’re just starting to reduce the hoard of things in your house, start by taking small steps. Organize one room at a time, or even just one drawer or closet at a time. If you try to take too much on, you’ll begin to feel overwhelmed and may give up too soon.
Get some boxes or large plastic storage containers where you can begin to sort things out into categories such as toss, donate, recycle, or trash. If you have a big family and are trying to organize way too much stuff, enlist the help of a friend to assist you in getting organized.
How to stop hoarding sentimental things.
If you have sentimental items like your kid’s artwork, sports trophies, or clay sculptures from 10 years ago, here’s one way to let go of them.
Take a photo of everything and store the pictures in a folder on your computer. You can even use some of the pictures as screen savers. This also works if you have sentimental cards, letters, or awards you want to keep a reminder of. It’s a sure way to get rid of sentimental clutter, without losing the memories!
What to throw away to stop hoarding
Things to Throw Away in the Kitchen
- Expired pantry food
- Old spices
- Expired baking goods
- Freezer burnt foods and old frozen leftovers
- Mismatched plastic containers
- Mismatched dishes
- Souvenir salt and pepper shakers
- Extra metal pan lids
- Old food bottles and jars
- Broken small kitchen gadgets
- Old sponges and dishcloths
- Old cleaning products
Kitchen organizing tools
Things to Throw Away in the Bathroom(s)
- Old toothbrushes
- Dull razors
- Expired medications
- Expired vitamins
- Old makeup and makeup applicators
- Mostly empty bottles of shampoo and hair products
- Ripped and stained towels
- Worn-out rugs and bath mats
- Mostly empty bottles of cleaning products
- Old toilet brushes and scrubbing pads
Bathroom organizing tools
Things to Throw Away in the Bedroom(s)
- Mismatched socks
- Ripped underwear
- Bras that don’t fit
- Clothing that doesn’t fit
- Things you haven’t worn in 5 years
- Old shoes and sneakers
- Broken costume jewelry
- Old books, catalogs, and magazines
- Broken kid’s toys
- Old homework papers
Bedroom organizing tools
Things to Throw Away in your Home Office
- Old checks and checkbooks
- Old CDs or DVDs
- Broken cameras and headsets
- Old ink cartridges
- Broken calculators
- Old manuals
- Old notebooks and pads
- Paperwork that needs shredding
- Dried out pens and markers
- Staplers and scissors that don’t work
Home office organizing tools
Things to Throw Away in the Garage or Shed
- Broken hand tools
- Broken rakes
- Rusted yard clippers
- Broken lawn mowers
- Broken bicycles
- Old sports equipment
- Old paint and supplies
- Broken planters and pots
Garage/shed organizing tools
More tips to help you declutter and throw away things
- Get into the habit of throwing one item out for every new item you buy.
- Get into the habit of shredding paperwork regularly.
- Challenge yourself to get rid of 10 things each week.
- Weed 5 things out of each closet every month.
- Stop buying things on sale that you don’t need.
- Put things to your curbside that other people might need.
- Sell items on eBay or Facebook Marketplace.
- Donate items to Goodwill
- Send old clothing to a consignment shop
- Have a yard sale
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