
Homemade Raspberry Syrup Recipe

homemade Raspberry Syrup

This is a homemade raspberry syrup made easily with 3 simple ingredients.


  • 6 oz Fresh raspberries
  • 1/2 Cup of sugar
  • 1 Cup of Water


  1. Pour water into a small pot over medium heat on the stovetop.
  2. Add sugar and stir, until it starts to dissolve.
  3. Add fresh raspberries and increase stovetop heat to medium-high.
  4. As the raspberries begin to simmer, continue to stir and adjust the heat back down to medium-low.
  5. Let the raspberries slowly cook in the sugar water for about 7 to 10 minutes.
  6. As the raspberries begin to turn pale and lose color, put the stovetop on low heat.
  7. Once the color of the raspberry syrup is a nice deep red color, remove it from the stovetop and transfer it into a bowl.
  8. Rinse out and dry the pot, then position a mesh sieve strainer over the pan.
  9. Carefully pour the raspberry mixture from the bowl into the sieve and let as much liquid as possible drip down into the pan.
  10. Take a metal spoon and squeeze the remaining liquid out of the seeds.
  11. Remove the sieve from the pot and transfer the syrup into a mason jar or pitcher with a lid.
  12. Let the syrup cool for 5 minutes and then transfer it to the refrigerator.


Adding a bit more sugar and simmering the syrup longer after straining will make the homemade raspberry sauce thicker to use for topping desserts or pancakes.